
Quoted Text of Journal’s
Paper Submission Policy

No Comprehensive Blind Review
116 = 51.78%

Only Prepare Paper for Author-Anonymous Review:
63 = 28.12%

Explicit Unspecified Blind Review:
20 = 8.92%

Explicit Author-Anonymous Review:
4 = 1.78%

Explicit Double-Blind Review:
20 = 8.92%

Strict Blind Submission Procedure:
1 = 0.0446%

The Acorn

“Papers about which there is some question regarding either quality or appropriateness are presented for blind review to members of our editorial board.”






Acta Philosophica Fennica

No mention of blind review.






American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly

“Manuscripts are blind reviewed. Those that pass an initial review by the Editor or an Associate Editor will be sent to one or more external referees.”






American Dialectic

“Manuscripts should be prepared for blind review, and should include a brief abstract on the title page along with your name, contact information, and institutional affiliation.”






American Journal of Bioethics

No mention of blind review.






American Journal of Semiotics

No mention of blind review.






American Philosophical Quarterly

“In both cases [Articles and Discussions], there will be double-blind refereeing, as described in the Editorial Procedures.
“In order to ensure anonymity of submissions, authors using Word are advised to go to "File...Properties..." and delete all author-identifying information, under all tabs.
“Submissions should be sent to the editor as an email attachment, with the prefix APQ in the subject line of the message.”






Analyse & Kritik

No mention of blind review.







“We practise triple anonymity: the Editor receives the submissions in anonymous form, as do referees, and authors are not informed of the identity of referees.
“Manuscripts should be sent in anonymous form, and include an abstract of no more than 100 words and a list of keywords, which will be published only in the online version. A separate file/sheet should give the author’s details, including the email address.”






Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis

“Articles should be approximately 4000-8000 words, e-mailed as a word document or RTF, and prepared for ‘blind-review’ (with author’s name and institutional affiliation appearing on a separate page).”






Annales Philosophici

“Contributions to Annales Philosophici will be subjected to review by referees at the discretion of the Editorial Office.
“Neither the name(s) of the author(s) nor any institutional affiliation may be shown in the paper itself, and all references to an author’s own work(s) must be disguised (e.g. by being made in an impersonal and neutral form) or omitted. Extravagant acknowledgments of gratitude must likewise be omitted. Self-identifying references may be restored after the evaluation process is complete.”






Annals of Pure and Applied Logic

No mention of blind review.






Ancient Philosophy

“Since Ancient Philosophy has adopted the policy of ' blind review ', information identifying the author should only appear on a separate page.”







No mention of blind review.







Website inaccessible. “For inquiries regarding submissions please contact Luis Salas at .”







“All articles will be subject to blind review.”






Archive for Mathematical Logic

No mention of blind review.






Ars Disputandi

“Blind review procedures
“To guarantee the quality of published material, all papers will be subjected to blind review.
“All contributions should be submitted as attachments to email-messages addressed to”






Augustinian Studies

No mention of blind review.






Australasian Journal of Logic

“The blind refereeing process requires that the editor send the referees an anonymous manuscript. We use PDF (Portable Document Format) files in the refereeing process. To submit an article for publication to the journal, therefore, we must receive an electronic copy of your manuscript.
“Please ensure that your document is thoroughly anonymous, so that the refereeing process can be truly blind. (In particular, check the ‘Document Properties’ of any PDF file you produce. These may reveal the name of the author.)
“The author who submits the paper to the journal will be treated as the corresponding author of the manuscript, and, in the case of a multiply authored article, this author will be responsible for communicating with the other authors.”






Australasian Journal of Philosophy

“ScholarOneManuscripts* offers authors the option of supplying a 'cover letter'. The AJP requires authors to include such a letter, which must contain all useful contact information — email address, fax and phone numbers, postal address, etc., plus notification of any expected changes in these details.
“In order to facilitate dispassionate refereeing, neither the name(s) of the author(s) nor any institutional affiliation may be shown in the paper itself, and all references to an author's own work(s) must be disguised (e.g. by being made in an impersonal and neutral form), with journal and book titles/publishers suppressed, or omitted altogether. Acknowledgments of gratitude must likewise be omitted. (Self-identifying references may be restored after the evaluation process is complete.)”






Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics

“Submission Preparation Checklist
“As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
“If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
“Ensuring a Blind Peer Review
“To ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review for submission to this journal, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other. This involves the authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review) checking to see if the following steps have been taken with regard to the text and the file properties:
“The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, with "Author" and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors' name, article title, etc.
“With Microsoft Office documents, author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file (see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.
“With PDFs, the authors' names should also be removed from Document Properties found under File on Adobe Acrobat's main menu.”






Berkeley Studies

“Submitted articles must be suitable for blind review and should be submitted to the Senior or Coordinating Editor.”






The Berlin Journal of Philosophy

“An open-access, peer-reviewed journal that innovates in adhering strictly to simultaneous policies of blind submission, double-blind review, and anti-plagiarism.”







“Please ensure that the manuscript is ANONYMOUS by putting your name, contact details (including email address), and any self-identifying references in a separate file.”






British Journal of Aesthetics

“Articles submitted in appropriate form will be refereed blind.”






British Journal for the History of Philosophy

“All submissions should be prepared for blind review, double-spaced and in a font of 12. Name and contact details should be given in a separate document.
“ScholarOneManuscripts*: Title page file: (designate as “file not for review” if journal is double-blind)
· Article Title
· Journal name
· The full name and details of the
corresponding author
· The full names and details of all coauthors
of the paper
· Acknowledgements”






British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

• should be prepared for blind refereeing, with identifying references removed;
• must be prefaced by an abstract of about 100 words;
• need not be in any particular style on initial submission, but if they are accepted for publication we will require a version in the Journal's style;
• should be accompanied by the telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.”






Bulletin of Symbolic Logic

No mention of blind review.






Business and Professional Ethics Journal

“The cover email letter should include:
Author(s) names and institutional affiliations
Contact information for one author, including at least email address and telephone number.
“Since a blind review process is used, no authors’ name should appear anywhere on the manuscript. In addition, because we share files electronically, it is the authors’ responsibility to strip the file of any other identifying notations, including references in the document’s properties, title, or first-person language in text of references.”






Business Ethics Quarterly

“If necessary to preserve anonymity in the review process, authors' names may be replaced with placeholders (e.g., replace "Smith, 2003" with "Author, 2003") and removed from the list of references.  However, the author should, in such cases, provide the editor with an additional document listing these anonymized sources.
“In order to avoid compromising the anonymous review process, it is advisable for authors to refrain from presenting their work at conferences while it is under review at BEQ, and to remove any online postings of the manuscript.”






Chiasmi International

No mention of blind review.






Childhood & Philosophy

“All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by at least two members of our board of editorial consultants.”






Clinical Ethics

No mention of blind review.







“Because the identity of authors is concealed from reviewers (because the process of reviewing is a blind peer review), each manuscript should contain a separate title page containing:
(1) Title
(2) Author name(s),
(3) The author’s full address, including telephone number and e-mail.
The author’s identity should not otherwise be revealed in the manuscript.”






Comparative Philosophy

“Reviewing Procedure
“Comparative Philosophy follows a blind peer reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested not to include their name or affiliation in their submitted papers. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should be avoided (with ‘Author’ and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the author’ name, article title, etc.).”






Consciousness and Cognition

No mention of blind review.






Contemporary Chinese Thought

No mention of blind review.






Contemporary Pragmatism

No mention of blind review.







No mention of blind review.






Croatian Journal of Philosophy

No author guidelines.






Décalages: An Althusser Studies Journal

No mention of blind review.






Deleuze Studies

No mention of blind review.







“The paper must be suitable for blind refereeing. The author's name and institutional affiliation should not appear in the manuscript. References to the author's own work must be cast in such a way that they do not reveal the identity of the manuscript's author. We recommend simply replacing the entire reference, including title and facts of publication, with an expression such as 'author's article', 'author's book', 'author's book 2', etc. Acknowledgements must be removed for the initial review.”






Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review

“Manuscripts submitted using the ScholarOne* system must be prepared for blind refereeing. No identifying references to the author in footnotes, headers, etc. should appear in the manuscript.”







No mention of blind review.







No mention of blind review.







“[Manuscripts] should also be prepared for anonymous refereeing.
“Disputatio practices triple blind refereeing, and follows the Guidelines for the Handling of Manuscripts by the Editors of Philosophy Journals of the APA.”
[This link returns the reader to the page where it appears. The APA Guidelines are quoted in Category Definitions, above.]






Economics and Philosophy

“The articles must be prepared for anonymous refereeing: that is, a referee should not be able to see or directly infer from the paper who the author is.”






Environmental Ethics

“Submission requirements include one paper copy along with an electronic version. Text should be double-spaced. Include a cover letter and abstract with the manuscript.
“The author’s name should not appear in the manuscript.”






Environmental Philosophy

“In preparing an article or discussion paper for submission, please:
    Include an article abstract of 100 words maximum
    Include author's name and institutional affiliation with the title on a separate cover page to facilitate blind review.”







“Submissions may be sent electronically or by regular mail. A 100 word abstract should be included with each article.  The manuscript should be prepared for blind review with the author's name and affiliation appearing only on the first, detachable page.”






Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics

“On receiving a submission, the EJPE editors assess its interest for the journal and whether it should be passed on for peer-review. All retained article submissions are anonymously reviewed by 2 to 3 external referees with relevant expertise. Where reviewers disagree substantially, the editors may request further referee reports or arbitrate using their own judgement. The editors may also commission further review of a revised paper by the original referees if they consider it necessary.”







“Double-blind peer review
“This journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to submit:
    A blinded manuscript without any author names and affiliations in the text or on the title page. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should be avoided.
    A separate title page, containing title, all author names, affiliations, and the contact information of the corresponding author. Any acknowledgements, disclosures, or funding information should also be included on this page.”






Essays in Philosophy

“The Issue Editor has the sole privilege and responsibility on the question of the acceptability of papers. In the case where a reviewer fails to respond in a timely manner, the editor will render a decision without external advice. The Issue Editor has the discretion to use outside reviewers or not, as he/she sees fit.
“All papers will be blind reviewed by the issue editor and reviewers. Only the General Editor will know the identity of the individual submitting a paper.
“Since all reviewing is blind, please do not send your submission to the Issue Editor.
“Papers should be prepared with ‘blind reviewing’ in mind. Specifically, no reference should be made to the author(s) in the essay (including notes).”






Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism

No mention of blind review.






Ethical Theory and Moral Practice

No mention of blind review.







“In addition, please ensure that the manuscript is anonymous by deleting all self-identifying references and any thanks to specific people from the text and notes and putting them in a separate file.”






Ethics and Information Technology

“Double-blind peer review
This journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to submit:
    A blinded manuscript without any author names and affiliations in the text or on the title page. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should be avoided.
    A separate title page, containing title, all author names, affiliations, and the contact information of the corresponding author. Any acknowledgements, disclosures, or funding information should also be included on this page.”






European Journal of Philosophy

Text should be double spaced, and papers should accommodate anonymous refereeing (authors provide their details separately in the submission process).
“It is the policy of the Journal that all published papers will have undergone a process of anonymous refereeing (i.e will have been anonymously refereed at least once), assuming that they were submitted in suitable format … .”






European Journal of Political Theory

“The European Journal of Political Theory operates a strictly anonymous peer review process in which the reviewer’s name is withheld from the author and, the author’s name from the reviewer. The reviewer may at their own discretion opt to reveal their name to the author in their review but our standard policy practice is for both identities to remain concealed.”






European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy

“Papers must be prepared for blind review, omitting self-identifying information (name and address should be placed on a separate word file, and not repeated in the text). All papers are peer reviewed.”







No mention of blind review.






Faith and Philosophy

“Submissions must be sent as e-mail attachments (preferably as MS Word documents, although WordPerfect documents are also acceptable).
“The journal strongly prefers to receive submissions that are prepared for ‘blind review’; i.e., authors should not be identified in the attachment itself, but only in the body of the e-mail to which the document is attached.”






Forum Philosophicum

“In order that manuscripts may be blind-reviewed (i.e. read in ignorance of authorship), the name of the author should be removed from the text.
“Papers submitted for publication in Forum Philosophicum will be subject to a process of peer review that is in line with the regulations established by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
“When appropriate, a preliminary acceptance will first be granted by the Editor-in-Chief.
“Each paper that has received such a preliminary acceptance will then be subject to double-blind review, to be carried out by two referees, both of these being recognized experts in the relevant area of philosophy with no personal or institutional connections whatsoever to the author of the submitted paper.”






Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal

“The journal accepts electronic submissions by e-mail to Manuscripts should be submitted in Word (.doc) or RTF (.rtf) format.
“Print manuscripts may also be submitted. These must be double-spaced, prepared for blind review, and submitted in triplicate with cover letter, to:
Submissions, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal
Department of Philosophy
New School for Social Research
65 5th Avenue, Room 250
New York, New York 10003 USA
“Authors should include a short biography giving academic affiliation, recent publications and areas of interest, and an abstract (up to 150 words).”






The Harvard Review of Philosophy

“All articles are reviewed blindly, so we ask that the author’s name appear only on the first page of the manuscript and not in the body of the work.”






Hegel Bulletin (formerly Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain]

“Articles sent for consideration must be anonymised, a hard copy and an electronic copy are both required.
“The layout of the paper should accommodate anonymous refereeing (i.e. name and address on a separate sheet, or on a separate page in the document, and not repeated in the text).”






Heidegger Studies

No mention of blind review.






History and Philosophy of Logic

“All the authors of a paper should include their full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses on the cover page of the manuscript. One author should be identified as the Corresponding Author.  An anonymised version of a paper is also required.
“Authors should prepare two versions of their manuscript.  One should be a complete text, while in the second document information identifying the author should be removed from files to allow them to be sent anonymously to referees.  Please send both versions to the Editor upon submission.”.






Hobbes Studies

No mention of blind review.






HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science

“Papers submitted to HOPOS cannot be reviewed unless they are properly blinded. To blind your paper, do not include a title page. The first page of the paper should contain the title, immediately followed by the abstract, immediately followed by the text of the paper. The author’s name should not appear on this page, nor should the author’s name appear in the manuscript, in references in the body of the text, or in the footnotes in such a way that might identify the author to the reviewer. Papers that do not conform to these specifications will be returned to the authors.”







“Papers should be submitted in blind review format. Please omit any self-identifying information within the abstract and body of the paper.”







No mention of blind review.






Hume Studies

“All submissions should be word-processed or typed, double spaced, and prepared for anonymous review by referees.”







“To facilitate our anonymous review process, the author should not be identified in the manuscript or the abstract.”






Idealistic Studies

No mention of blind review.






Informal Logic

“Papers submitted for publication in Informal Logic must be prepared by the author(s) for blind reviewing: there must be no identifying references in the body of the paper, the notes, or the references. Papers are initially screened blind by the four editors. Those deemed to qualify for consideration for publication are then sent to two external referees who are scholars carefully selected by the editors for their knowledge of the subject-matter of the paper and the field, their record for thoroughness and fairness, and their expressed willingness to review in a timely manner. … The editors normally do not know the identity of the author until after they have made their decision about the disposition of the paper.
“The text, if submitted to a peer-reviewed section (e.g., Articles), has had the authors' names removed. If an author is cited, "Author" and year are used in the bibliography and footnotes, instead of author's name, paper title, etc. The author's name has also been removed from the document's Properties, which in Microsoft Word is found in the File menu.”







“This journal uses ScholarOne Manuscripts* (previously Manuscript Central) to peer review manuscript submissions.
“Manuscript Style
“Submitted manuscripts must be uploaded in an editable Word format, with the title page as a separate file to facilitate blinded peer-review.
“Title page. The title should be uploaded as a separate file, with the name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s), and the full postal and email address of the author to whom proofs, offprints, and other correspondence should be sent.”






Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines

No mention of blind review.






International Journal for the Study of Skepticism

Peer Review Process
“The journal is administered by the editors who handle the daily operation and management and the oversight of reviewing. Submissions are first screened by the editors, who evaluate their pertinence and quality. They are then sent to one or two referees who are selected among the members of the Editorial Board or among other recognized specialists. The peer review process is double-blind. On the basis of the evaluation of the referee(s), the editors make a final decision.”






International Journal of Applied Philosophy

No mention of blind review.






International Journal of Game Theory

No mention of blind review.






International Journal of Logic and Computation

“CSC peer review process is based upon single blind review where reviewer’s name is concealed from the author(s). In order to ensure that only non plagiarized, original and high quality research publications each manuscript is assigned to at least three editors and each editor is assigned not more than two manuscripts. … Each editor further assigns manuscript to multiple reviewers.”
[Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Computer Science Journals is a six-page document divided into three sections. The first two consist in consecutive repeats of the following four sentences: “This guideline is used for all journals. These are the manuscript preparation guidelines used as a standard template for all journal submissions. Author must follow these instructions while preparing/modifying these guidelines. This guideline is used for all journals.”]






International Journal of Philosophical Studies

“Refereeing is 'double-blind' for all submissions, so authors should prepare and upload two versions of their manuscript. One should be a complete text, while in the second all document information identifying the author should be removed from files to allow them to be sent anonymously to referees. When uploading files authors will then be able to define the non-anonymous version as ‘File not for review’. Furthermore, the manuscript should not bear any marks that could lead to the identification of the author; i.e. all forms of self-reference should be omitted in the submitted manuscript.”






International Philosophical Quarterly

“Electronic submissions are preferred. Submissions should not exceed 10,000 words (including notes) and should be prepared for blind review. Information about the author should be provided in an accompanying note that should also indicate that the paper is not being simultaneously considered elsewhere.”






Iris: European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate

No mention of blind review.







“Manuscripts (one original) should be submitted to the Editor of Isis, …. An electronic copy must also be submitted, as a Word document or equivalent (no PDFs please), either as an email attachment sent to or on a CD included with the hard copy.
“Isis normally uses double-blind refereeing; authors should therefore identify themselves only on a detachable cover sheet.”






Journal for Communication and Culture

No mention of blind review.






Journal for General Philosophy of Science

No mention of blind review.






Journal for Peace and Justice Studies

“Manuscript submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter containing all contact information and title of the essay. No identifying information may be in the submission itself.
“All manuscripts submitted for publication must be prepared for blind review.”






Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Ancient Philosophy

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Applied Ontology

No mention of blind review.






Journal of the British Society for Phenomenlogy

“All submissions are sent to two referees for blind peer-reviewing.
“As all essays are subject to blind peer review, please delete all personal information from the file (including the properties page) and send these on a separate file and/or cover letter.”






Journal of Buddhist Ethics

“Research articles will be subject to blind peer review by appropriate members of the Editorial Board or external evaluators selected at the editor’s discretion.
“All submissions should be preceded by a header containing the title of the manuscript, the name(s) of the author(s), any affiliations, mail and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers.”






Journal of Business Ethics Education

“The title page should contain the name, institutional affiliation, postal address, telephone number, fax number, country code, and electronic mailing address of each author. The second page should include the manuscripts title and an abstract that is 150 words or fewer. The manuscript should begin on the third page. All submissions will be double blind reviewed. Apart from the first page, the identity of the author(s) should be completely removed from the abstract and manuscript, and appear only on the title page.”






The Journal of Clinical Ethics

“The majority of articles published in The Journal of Clinical Ethics are subject to double-blinded peer review. The manuscripts are reviewed by experts who do not receive remuneration. Some of the reviewers serve as Associate Editors for the journal. The Associate Editors receive a complimentary subscription to the journal, but receive no other compensation.
“Some manuscripts are invited by members of the editorial staff, and, as a result, are not subject to outside blinded peer-review. They are subject to review by an internal editorial board.”






Journal of Consciousness Studies

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy

“Please remove your name and other identifying information from the file before you submit. We recommend that before you upload your paper, go to "file" >> "properties" and erase all personal information listed in that window, particularly the author's name.”






Journal of the History of Philosophy

“MANUSCRIPTS should be sent as e-mail attachments in Rich Text Format (RTF) or as MS Word documents to  (until June 30, 2010) or (after July 1, 2010)
“All direct and indirect references to the author in the manuscript should be removed. (This includes identifying references which appear unbeknownst to many authors in the document’s “Properties” section, which is found under “File” in MS Word.) Submissions not prepared for blind review will be returned for correction.”






Journal of Human Values

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Information Ethics

No submission information supplied at website.






Journal of Indian Philosophy

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas

“All contributions will be blind-refereed.”






Journal of Logic and Analysis

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Logic and Computation

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Logic, Language and Information

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Mathematical Logic

“Manuscripts submitted are first screened by the editors; only those on subject matters within the scope of the Journal are sent to expert referees for evaluation. This two-tier screening process helps to ensure an appropriate focus as well as high scientific quality of the Journal.
Authors are invited to submit the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of up to five potential reviewers. Decision on whether or not the suggested referees are used lies solely with the editors.” No mention of blind review.






Journal of Moral Philosophy

“Double-blinded Peer Review
“JMP uses a double-blinded peer review system, which means that manuscript author(s) do not know who the reviewers are, and that reviewers do not know the names of the author(s). When you submit your article via Editorial Manager, you will be asked to submit a separate title page which includes the full title of the manuscript plus the names and complete contact details of all authors. This page will not be accessible to the referees. All other files (manuscript, figures, tables, etc.) should not contain any information concerning author names, institutions, etc. The names of these files and the document properties should also be anonymized.”






Journal of Multi-Valued Logic and Soft Computing

No mention of blind review.






Journal of Philosophical Economics

“The Editorial Board first evaluates submissions in-house, deciding whether to send them for blind peer review. If inappropriate, will be rejected at this stage.
If a manuscript passes this first stage, it is sent to peer reviewers, who are selected for a manuscript based on their corresponding area of expertise according to the Editorial Policy.”






Journal of Philosophical Logic

“Manuscripts should be prepared for blind reviewing: neither the author's name nor the author's affiliation should be included in the manuscript, and references to the author's own work should be phrased in such a way that they do not reveal the identity of the author. Any other identifying information, including acknowledgments, should likewise be removed.”






Journal of Philosophical Research

“All submissions should be prepared for blind review. This means that the author's name and other identifying information should be removed from the text. Please also remove identifying information from other locations, such as under ‘Properties’ section in a Word file.”






The Journal of Philosophy

“All submissions must also be
formatted for double-blind review.
“We now require that all submissions be made by sending an email to with the manuscript file attached in PDF or Word format. Please include your name, contact information, and the title of your paper in your message. All submissions will be acknowledged by email, and all subsequent correspondence regarding the manuscript will be sent via email rather than post.
“Further, manuscripts must be prepared for double-blind refereeing, with any and all revealing references to the author removed, including personal acknowledgments. Any submission that does not adequately conceal the identity of its author will not be read.”






Journal of Power

“Details of the author's institutional affiliation, full address and other contact information should be included on a separate cover sheet along with a note on the exact length of the article.
“Two copies of each manuscript should be submitted electronically. One with the authors details attached and one anonymous for peer review.”






Journal of Scottish Philosophy

No mention of blind review.






The Journal of Symbolic Logic

No mention of blind review.






The Journal of Theological Studies

“Articles should be submitted by e-mail attachment, preferably in rich text file (.rtf) format. Authors who are not able to submit email attachments should enclose a floppy disc or CD-ROM with their submission.
“To facilitate anonymous refereeing, the author's name and institution should not appear at the head or foot of the article.”






Kairos Journal of Philosophy & Science

“1. The submitted texts will be refereed by at least two referees. The Editorial Board will communicate the referee's evaluation as soon as possible. The referee's identities shall remain anonymous.”







“If at all possible, please provide an e-mail address for ease in correspondence.
“Contributions, essays, and articles will be considered without knowledge of the author’s name. They will be anonymously evaluated out of house or by the editors, who will then decide whether the submission is suitable for possible publication. Reviews will be evaluated by the editorial office. This includes requested reviews as well. “






Kant Studies Online

“The manuscript file should not bear your name because all articles submitted will be double blind peer-reviewed.”






Kant Yearbook

“The Editorial Board of the Kant Yearbook is composed of renowned international experts, and selects papers for publication through a double blind peer review process.”






Kantian Review

No website available.
From back cover:
“The article file should be ready for blind review and must bear no trace of the author’s identity. The author’s details (name, affiliation, email address and postal address) should be supplied either in the email or in a separate file.
“A biographical note of around 75 words giving the author’s name, affiliation, principal publications, etc. should also be supplied, on a separate cover sheet.”







“KRITIKE is a refereed journal, so make sure that your text is prepared for blind review, meaning your name and institutional affiliation should not appear in the body of your paper. Please include a short abstract (200 words or less) of your paper.”






The Law & Ethics of Human Rights

No mention of blind review.






The Leibniz Review

By invitation only. No mention of blind review.






Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations

“All papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and anonymous doubleblind peer review. All material submitted to our journal will be reviewed by the Editorial team. Papers may be rejected without full peer review, remaining papers will be sent for external peer review. Our journal operates a double-blind peer review process and aims to provide rapid peer review with papers receiving a first decision within an average of 30 days. Authors may be requested to produce the data on which their manuscript is based (or associated documents, e.g. ethical approval letter) by the Editor(s) or their assignee for examination. All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents.”






Linguistics and Philosophy

“A double blind peer review procedure (where the identity of the author is not revealed) is observed when the author requests. An author need merely remove any identifying information in order for this procedure to be followed. If an author wishes to identify themselves, only a single bind [sic] procedure is used.”






Logic Journal of the IGPL

No mention of blind review.






Logica Universalis

No mention of blind review.






Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy

“Preparation for blind refereeing
“All papers (but not the reviews) have to be prepared for peer-review double blind refereeing. Please delete all references that could identify you as the author. (In case you are submitting a Word file do not forget to remove all respective information from the file’s properties). We aim to receive the reports of two referees within a period of three months.”






Logos & Episteme

“[A]ll articles, with the exception of articles from the invited contributors, will be subject to a strict blind-review process. Therefore the authors should avoid in their manuscripts any mention to their previous work or use an impersonal or neutral form when referring to it.”






The Lyceum

“Papers, prepared for blind review, may be submitted  via email attachment to Please submit a separate cover letter with your contact information and academic affiliation, if any.”







“Manuscripts and other communications to the editors should be sent via e-mail or regular mail to:
“Manuscripts should be prepared for blind submission.”







By invitation only. No mention of blind review.






Midwest Studies in Philosophy

By invitation only. No mention of blind review.







“The Editor’s judgment will be conveyed to the author by the Editorial Administrator, so that complete anonymity can be preserved at all stages of the process.
“Submission Format
“The preferred mode of submission is by email attachment to: Please include your full name, any affiliation, and the title of your paper in the body of the email. All submissions will be acknowledged by email.
“Papers should be typed, double spaced, and include an abstract. They should be prepared for anonymous refereeing, with revealing acknowledgements and self-identifying references removed. If a cover sheet including identifying information is sent, this must be a separate document/file. Papers not prepared for anonymous refereeing will not be read.”






Mind & Language

“A submitted paper will usually be sent to two referees who will be asked to comment on both its intrinsic quality and its accessibility to the interdisciplinary readership of Mind & Language. Authors may request that their name be withheld from referees, in which case it is the responsibility of the author to prepare the manuscript in such a way that after detachment of the title page there remains no indication of authorship.”






Minds and Machines

“Double-blind peer review
“This journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to submit:
    A blinded manuscript without any author names and affiliations in the text or on the title page. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should be avoided.
    A separate title page, containing title, all author names, affiliations, and the contact information of the corresponding author. Any acknowledgements, disclosures, or funding information should also be included on this page.”







“Manuscripts should be anonymised for blind refereeing, and contributors are asked to number all pages. Submissions are judged exclusively on their philosophical merits.
“Please include:
“The proposed Title of the Paper.
“The Author's name, qualifications and affiliations (if any).
“The Author's full postal and email addresses.
“An Abstract of 100-300 words.”






The Modern Schoolman

“Manuscript refereeing is blin[sic]; unsigned comments are given to authors.”






The Monist

No mention of blind review.






Multiple-Valued Logic

No mention of blind review.






New Nietzsche Studies

“No identification of author should occur in the text or notes as all submissions may be subject to anonymous peer review.”






Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic

“The NDJFL uses blind (math) and double-blind (philosophy) review. Papers should be in a form that facilitates this process (displays/does not display author name). You may be asked to reload your manuscript if the editors deem it necessary to have your name added or deleted.”







“In order that manuscripts may be read in ignorance of authorship, we request that names of authors and their institutional affiliations not appear on manuscripts.”






The Owl of Minerva

“The manuscript must be submitted in a form appropriate for blind review. The author's name should appear only on a separate title page. The body of the manuscript must contain nothing that reveals the author's identity.”






Pacific Philosophical Quarterly

“All manuscripts should be submitted to the managing editor by e-mail: , according to the following instructions: The submission e-mail should have the subject "NEW SUBMISSION: [name of article]". Make sure the body of the e-mail includes the author's name, institutional affiliation(e.g. School of Philosophy, USC), the department's full address (e.g. 3709 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA, 90089), as well as the title of the submission, and a brief abstract (approx. 150 words). The manuscript itself, prepared for blind review, should be sent as a PDF or word document attachment to the e-mail submission.”






Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy

“All pieces published in the essay section of PARRHESIA are double blind peer-reviewed.”






Passions in Context

No mention of blind review.







“MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION:  Submissions should be prepared for blind review. The author’s name should not appear on the manuscript, and self-identifying citations should be avoided.
“ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION: Manuscripts must be submitted by email. Include “PHILO” in the subject line of the message. The text of the message should include the author’s complete contact information, including surface mail address, email address, and daytime phone number. The paper and abstract should be attached to the message and saved as a Microsoft Word file.”






The Philosopher

No mention of blind review.






Philosophers' Imprint

“Submissions to the Imprint are refereed anonymously and selected for publication on the basis of their estimated long-term significance.
“The Editors select for publication only those submissions which are judged to be of lasting value, on the basis of a blind refereeing process.
“Prepare your paper for blind refereeing by removing personal references. Save the paper in PDF format, ensuring that personal references have not been automatically added in a "Properties" or "Summary" field.”






The Philosophers' Magazine

Blog. No mention of blind review.







“Double-blind review procedure
“The journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to place their name and affiliation on a separate page. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should either be avoided or left blank when manuscripts are first submitted. Authors are responsible for reinserting self-identifying citations and references when manuscripts are prepared for final submission.”







No mention of blind review, no website. Philos-L advertisement:
“Please direct editorial questions to [the editors].”






Philosophia Mathematica

No mention of blind review.






Philosophia Reformata

“Ideally, manuscripts must be prepared for blind review. The author’s name should appear only on a separate cover letter or e-mail, and any references to the author’s work must be made in the third person. (Please also be aware that identifying information can lurk in the Properties of a Microsoft Word file, or in other metadata.)”







“Since each issue is devoted to one topic, we do not accept spontaneously submitted papers.”






Philosophical Explorations

“Peer Review Policy:
“All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous double blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two referees.
“Preparing papers for blind review
“Please make sure that your submission is carefully prepared for blind review, i.e. that there are no references to yourself or to your work in your paper. This includes removing references to earlier work (these can be added later). In case of a revision or resubmission: make sure your response to the referees is also blinded.”






The Philosophical Forum

No mention of blind review.






Philosophical Inquiry

No mention of blind review.






Philosophical Investigations

No mention of blind review.






Philosophical Issues

By invitation only.
No mention of blind review.






Philosophical News

No mention of blind review.






Philosophical Papers

“Articles prepared for blind review will be blind reviewed.”






Philosophical Perspectives

No mention of blind review.






Philosophical Psychology

“Authors should prepare and upload two versions of their manuscript. One should be a complete text, while in the second all document information identifying the author should be removed from files to allow them to be sent anonymously to referees. When uploading files authors will then be able to define the non-anonymous version as ‘File not for review’.”






The Philosophical Quarterly

“4. Articles must be submitted in a form suitable for blind refereeing; personal acknowledgements should be removed. PDF submissions should include the author's details in a separate document.
“5. When submitting papers, authors should specify whether they are male or female or else explicitly state that they prefer not to supply this information. Information on gender is collected for statistical purposes only and the editors will not be made aware of an author's gender until a final decision about publication has been made. Referees are not provided with any information about authors at any stage.”






The Philosophical Review

“Send articles by e-mail to In the e-mail, include the title of the article, the author's name and postal address, and the author's institutional affiliation.
“Neither the author's name nor the author's affiliation should be included in the manuscript, and any acknowledgments should be removed. References to the author's own work should not reveal the author's identity. Any prefatory or explanatory remarks intended for the editors or readers must be given anonymously, not in the cover letter.
“The Philosophical Review practices a system of triple-blind review (with some qualifications; see below). Manuscript readers are not aware of the identity of a manuscript’s author, and the editors are not informed of the author’s identity until they have reached a decision on the manuscript.
“When it comes to resubmissions, the following should be noted. Since an author’s identity is revealed to the editors after a verdict has been reached, the editors will know the identity of the author in the case of a resubmission. Moreover, while the editors will typically aim to send the resubmitted manuscript to the same referee(s) who originally read the paper, there are exceptions to this general rule.”






Philosophical Studies

No mention of blind review.






Philosophical Topics

By invitation only. No mention of blind review.







No mention of blind review.






Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

No mention of blind review.






Philosophy and Public Affairs

“To facilitate blind review, please remove author-identifying information from the text and notes and provide it in a separate file or document.”






Philosophy and Theology

No mention of blind review.






Philosophy East and West

No mention of blind review.






Philosophy in the Contemporary World

“Submissions are blind reviewed by two members of the Editorial Review Board or by others chosen by the Editor.
“Manuscripts should be prepared for blind review and should be accompanied by a short abstract.”






Philosophy in Review

No mention of blind review.






Philosophy Now

No mention of blind review.






Philosophy of Science

“Manuscripts must be prepared for blind review. Please see the section 'Blinding Your Paper' on this page.
“Blinding Your Paper
“Papers submitted to Philosophy of Science must be blinded prior to review. Papers cannot be reviewed unless they are properly blinded. To blind your paper, follow these guidelines:
    There is no need for a title page. The first page of the paper should contain the title, immediately followed by the abstract, immediately followed by text of the paper. Your name should not appear on this page as the author.
    Generic references to 'I' or 'me' (or other first-person pronouns) are permitted, unless they appear in conjunction with evidence that would lead the reader to infer to whom the pronoun refers.
Check that the paper has no running headers or footers with your name.”






Plato: The Internet Journal of the International Plato Society

“All submissions are refereed (anonymously) by expert readers, including a native or fluent speaker of the language of the article.”







No mention of blind review.






Polish Journal of Philosophy

“In order that manuscripts may be blind-reviewed (i.e. read in ignorance of authorship), we request that names of authors and their institutional affiliations not appear on manuscripts or the electronic copy. However, a covering letter should include the title of the paper and all useful contact information — address, fax and phone numbers, email address, etc. In certain cases, the Editor-in-Chief may require that this be done before the paper is further considered.”






Political Theory

“All identifying information should be removed from the manuscript. Manuscripts that do not meet the submission standards will not be considered.
“How to Submit
“Authors must prepare and submit two separate files to Political Theory via our website (
(1) One 'Main Document' which contains only your manuscript;
(2) One 'Supplementary File' that includes a title page with full contact information; a brief biographical paragraph noting current affiliation, research interests, and recent publications; an abstract of no more than 150 words; and five keywords to facilitate electronic access. A cover letter is not required.”






Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics

“Essays in an acceptable format will be refereed blind by a member of the editorial advisory board.”






Praxis Journal of Philosophy

[From website:] “No direct or indirect references to the author should be included in the manuscript (unless it is a book review), making it suitable for blind review. To ensure your document is not identified, please go to File > Properties > Summary, make sure you delete all relevant information and save the file.
[From 1st but not 2nd E-mail announcement 10.12.2012:] “Praxis operates on the policy of double-blind peer review.”






Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association

“Each volume includes topical papers delivered by invited speakers, up to sixteen other papers selected for the meeting by blind review, and the President's Address.”






Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume

By invitation only. No mention of blind review.






Public Affairs Quarterly

“Those submitting material for consideration for publication should supply an electronic copy to Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout and prepared for blind-review.”






Public Reason

“All contributions whether articles or reviews are welcome and should be sent by e-mail as attachment at Papers will be refereed on a blind basis by Public Reason’s referee board.
“Please limit your paper submission to 8000 words, including footnotes and references, and format it for blind review (the text should be free of personal and institutional information). Along with the article, but not in the article, please send contact details: current affiliation, address, telephone number and email address.”






Quality & Quantity

No mention of blind review.







No mention of blind review.






Radical Philosophy Review

“Submissions should be sent as e-mail attachments (preferably in MS Word) to the coordinator of the executive editorial committee, Harry van der Linden, at Please attach two copies, one of which prepared for blind refereeing with all direct or indirect references to the author removed. Include an abstract of no more than 100 words, a short author bio, and e-mail and mailing address.”







No mention of blind review.






Rationality, Markets and Morals

“Peer Review Policy
“All research articles undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review including initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing. If these articles are accepted, they are marked as ‘peer reviewed’.
“Referees are asked to assess the quality of submitted papers and to point out mistakes, errors, omissions, unclear passages, and digressions. They may also offer substantive criticism. If, however, a high-quality paper encounters substantive criticism by a referee, the editors may still accept the paper without revisions concerning the substantial points of disagreement, and invite the referee to publish a comment, to which the author may respond.
“To encourage discussions of current topics, contributions to the discussion section have to pass only a lighter and faster review process by the editors. The same applies to book reviews and to some invited contributions to special topics marked as ‘article’ (see Concept and Structure).”






Reason Papers

“All Articles should be submitted in a format appropriate to blind review. Articles undergo review on a double-blind peer review basis, and may be sent on that basis to multiple reviewers. All manuscripts also undergo extensive review by the Editors after passing peer review; authors should therefore be prepared to respond to both substantive and editorial comments on their manuscript after acceptance.”






The Review of Metaphysics

No mention of blind review.






Review of Philosophy and Psychology

No mention of blind review.






Review of Symbolic Logic

“Manuscripts should be submitted to the Coordinating Editor. Electronic submission is encouraged: send an e-message with the manuscript attached in pdf format. The body of the e-message should include the title of the paper, the authors, its length in pages, and a clear-text copy of the abstract.
“Authors who prefer blind refereeing are invited to prepare their papers accordingly.”







No mention of blind review.






Sign Systems Studies

No mention of blind review.






Social Philosophy Today

No mention of blind review.






Social Theory and Practice

“Papers should be prepared for blind review and submitted electronically (preferably as Microsoft Word documents) to Author-identifying information, any deleted references or acknowledgments, and a statement that the paper has not been published previously in any form and is not currently under consideration elsewhere should be included in a separate note. An email address should be provided for acknowledgment of receipt.”






South African Journal of Philosophy

No mention of blind review.






Southern Journal of Philosophy

“All references to the author (direct and indirect) must be removed in order to ensure blind review. Please check the body of the text, abstract, notes, and document meta-data to confirm the absence of any self-identifying references.”






Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science

“If submitting a paper for peer review, the paper is anonymized. See instructions for ensuring a blind review.
“Ensuring a Blind Peer Review
“To ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review for submission to this journal, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other. This involves the authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review) checking to see if the following steps have been taken with regard to the text and the file properties:
“The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, with "Author" and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors' name, article title, etc.
“With Microsoft Office documents, author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file (see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.
“With PDFs, the authors' names should also be removed from Document Properties found under File on Adobe Acrobat's main menu.”






Studia Logica

No mention of blind review.






Studia Neoaristotelica

“E-mail manuscripts to as two files, containing the following items:
File one:
    the anonymized paper
File two:
    the abstract(s)
    list of keywords
    author’s name, affiliation and scholarly profile
    author’s e-mail address
    author’s postal address
    author’s personal website address (if any).”






Studia Phaenomenologica

No mention of blind review.






Studia Philosophica Estonica

“Reviewing Procedure
Studia Philosophica Estonica follows a double−blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to omit their name and affiliation from the manuscript. Self−identifying citations and references in the article text should also be avoided or left blank when manuscripts are first submitted.”






Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology

“Do not identify author names in the actual text of your manuscript; all such information is discarded when we receive your submission. To add or edit co-authors, you must use the “revise submission” form.
Make sure all author and co-author information is complete. Click on “Preview submission” to make sure that all your co-authors' names and affiliations appear correctly.
Do not include acknowledgments in your manuscript. Instead, enter acknowledgments in the cover page footnote section on the “revise submission” form, so that they may be incorporated into the title page produced for publication.”







“Double-blind peer review
“This journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to submit:
    A blinded manuscript without any author names and affiliations in the text or on the title page. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should be avoided.
    A separate title page, containing title, all author names, affiliations, and the contact information of the corresponding author. Any acknowledgements, disclosures, or funding information should also be included on this page.”






Teaching Ethics

No mention of blind review.






Teaching Philosophy

“Papers should be suitable for blind review.”







“The first page of the manuscript should contain the title of the paper, an abstract of 50-100 words, and 2-5 comprehensive keywords. Each page of the manuscript should be consecutively numbered, including pages of notes, references, and captions. The paper should be prepared for blind review with no endnotes or document properties identifying the author or the author's institution. Please be careful to check the properties of your file to ensure anonymity.
“The title of the paper, the author's name and full affiliation address (including email) must be supplied in a separate file (MSWord, Rich Text or Open Office Format) attached to the same email as your manuscript submission.”







No mention of blind review.







“The text must be suitable for blind review.”






Theoretical & Applied Ethics

“Do not type your name, academic affiliation, or any other self-identifying information in your paper. Put that information on your cover letter. Papers are reviewed "blind," so that referees do not know whose paper they are reading.”







No mention of blind review at the Swedish website for this journal. At a different URL, apparently a Spanish website, the editorial guidelines include “THEORIA is a peer-reviewed journal. According to its topic, each paper is assigned by the Editors to the competent area editor. This latter will choose two external referees. They will provide a report on a blind version of the paper and, on this basis, the area editor will make the final decision about publication.” The submission instructions at this website include “Step 3. Uploading the Submission
“Upload here a PDF version (.pdf) prepared for anonymous refereeing, with all the identifying information removed.”






Theory and Decision

No mention of blind review.







No mention of blind review.






*ScholarOne Manuscripts System [formerly Manuscript Central]

“Submitting Your Manuscript to ScholarOne Manuscripts: A Guide
“To submit your manuscript, you will need the following files:
· A Title page file with the names of all authors and co-authors*
· Main document file with abstract, keywords, main text and references
· Figure files
· Table files
· Any extra files such as Supplemental files or Author Biographical notes
“Word templates are available for many of our journals, but please check the Instructions for Authors page of the journal before you use them.
“If you are submitting to a journal that uses double-blind peer review, please note that you will need to save the title page as a separate file and designate it as ‘not for review’.”